
Polytech Nantes (2022-2023)

ESIR (2018-2020)

  • Artificial Intelligence
    Machine learning strategy; introduction to neural nets; introduction to deep learning; word embeddings; RNN; CNN; Markov decision processes; reinforcement learning.
  • Databases
    Relational model; relational calculus; conception (normalisation and modeling); ER model; complex queries.

ISTIC (2018-2020)

  • Introduction to programming and Python

Student Supervision

Master students

  • Badr Tahri-Joutei, “Explicabilité de prédiction automatique d’actions humaines sur graphe de scène” (March-Aug. 2023)
  • Yuan Feng, “Who looks at what ? Distinguishing and predicting personnal gaze behavior”, Polytech Nantes (Feb.-July 2023)
  • Jun Zhang, “Data augmentation for deep visual saliency models”, Polytech Nantes (Feb.-July 2022)
  • Supervisor of several Master students on their research projects